Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Art is. 

There are so many interpretations and directions this conversation leads. I tend to gravitate towards plain and simple definitions. Take the definition of aesthetics.


[es-thet-iks or, esp. British, ees-] 
noun ( used with a singular verb  )
1.the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments.
2.the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.
Copied & Pasted from Dictionary.com,  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aesthetics 
"The principles underlying or justifying such judgments", the way I see it art is worth more than just its aesthetics. I resonated with the following reasoning:
 "There are as many proposed definitions for art as there are artists and art-lovers in the world, but I can’t help but feel that they all refer to the one core meaning.  To my mind, art is always about causing change—big or small, personal or global.  That’s its value, its reason, its purpose, and its complete definition.  Of course, not everyone agrees with me.  Here are some other definitions of art and why I think they all point back to revolution..." 

I often produce art to cause a change in myself. A paradigm shift in my emotions. Whether it be an elevation of spirit or a purging of discontent. The beauty of  aesthetics is that I can purge away my disconsolate emotions and someone else can come along and be emotionally elevated by the same product.  At least that is my hope & prayer, that my art is a shift towards the greater good, verses a backslide into a downward spiral towards the pit of decay.


 "For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self-denial, anxiety and discouragement."
- Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


 “Love Trinity “, 2010 Janelle Jensen Fritz

Entitled after the three Greek definitions of love. Philia, Agape, and Eros. Ancient Greece defined love within the context of these three individual, yet adjoining contexts.

The left painting represents Philia. I list this first, as it is the love of brotherhood, friendship, and companionship. Johnathan and I began our journey together from Philia. As teens we rode together in an morning carpool to “early morning seminary” (A religious institute for high school students held at 5 am, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages for their youth.) Buckled next to one another in the backseat, we initiated the beginnings of our friendship. Bantering, questioning, and talking. Neither of us aware that we were forging the very foundation of our life-long/eternal journey as the dearest of friends. An aspect of our compatibility that would transcend even the darkest of times.

The center painting conveys Agape love. The God-like, unconditional, encircling, and committed love. Whether or not any of us are mortally capable of this in its completeness is questionable. Yet it is evident that we hold the capacity to exude many of the virtues of Agape love, especially when we look to a loving Heavenly Father and Christ for that bestowal and affirmation. Our imperfect partner will inevitably fall short at times, yet, we cannot allow that to diminish their valiant attempts to achieve this in a compromising and giving manner.

The outer right painting encapsulates Eros. The fiery love of passion, eroticism, and sexuality. This is the intoxicating, origination that propels us to overlook imperfection, dismiss weakness, and hold an imperfect being on an idolatrous pedestal. Eros seems to be a constituent to the love trinity that tends to ebb, flow, and wane. Although, if dismissed entirely, this aspect requires some type of accreditation & vindication, and if ignored can adopt quite a “rebel yell”.

"LOVE TRINITY", Janelle Jensen Fritz, Photography by Ian Williams
"PHILIA", Janelle Jensen Fritz

"AGAPE", Janelle Jensen Fritz

"EROS", Janelle Jensen Fritz


♥ My lil boys loved PopTarts, cut with heart cookie cutters, for Valentine's Day breakfast last year. Sugary decadent treat for them. Easy Peasy for mom.

♥ Little 4lb. Japanese Chin, Moo-shu, loved her conversation heart. Decadence for her. Easy Peasy for me. JJF. xoxo

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